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  • Writer's pictureCarletta Skipworth

Operation Wellness.

Recently, I've dealt with some extremely stressful situations that caused tension and anxiety. I was faced with deciding how to navigate this thing called stress and still live my best life. For me, I decided to really focus on me. I ditched social media for a few weeks and was "selfish" to my own needs. I decided to implement some new Self-Care Practices. I'm no expert in either, but both have been extremely helpful in my journey to a less stressful life (aka Operation Wellness). The first self-care practice that I implemented was Yoga. WHOOO-hoooo I'm a Yogi! Okay, maybe I shouldn't claim that title until I can at least plank for 30 seconds. I simply place my mat/towel on the floor, YouTube beginner tutorials such as Yoga for Anxiety and Stress and do my absolute best. This has been my go to tutorial for the past 2 weeks because the poses aren't that hard (in my opinion) and her routine is pretty easy to follow. The second self-care practice that I've implemented also came from the above YouTube video. I've implemented Alternate Nostril Breathing. It's so simple, but yet so worth it. It's a technique that calms the nervous system and reduces tension and anxiety. You literally hold down one nostril, breathe in with the other, hold it for a few seconds, switch and hold the other nostril and breath out the other. If I confused you, check out the video above for clarity. I promise you, it's SIMPLE and worth it. Check it out and drop me a comment to let me know if this helped you.

With ☀️💕


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